Episode 31: Mind mapping your next 6-figure offer

This week on The Social Selling Podcast I give you the offer outline I use to create my 6-figure offers along with a behind the scene look at my new membership, Proximity to Power.

Proximity to Power, the 12 month experience where you can stay plugged into high level mentorship without the big time or financial commitment.ā£

This membership is designed for you to have access mentorship inside a community where you can tap into energy, accountability, knowledge, and support so you can continue to scale your brand and business to multiple 6 & 7 figures.ā£

ā£If you want a high level mentor + a supportive community but don’t want another course or program with a high price tag and big time commitment- Proximity is what you’ve been looking for.ā£

ā£- Live Callsā£

- Copy Auditsā£

- Trainingsā£

- Community ā£

ā£Spots are limited and filling fast. ā£

Thanks for listening and if you enjoyed this episode the best way to show some love is by taking a screenshot of the show and tagging me on your Instagram Stories @courtneyjkimble.

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Head over to courtneyjkimbleconsulting.com to grab your Free copy of The Instagram Bio Blueprint!


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